It’s not winter without ice

There’s something serene about ice, don’t you think? It has a kind of mystical, calming effect to it where you can look at it and just lose yourself in it’s beauty. Ice doesn’t play tricks or mind games, it just is what it is and doesn’t apologise for it. It’s the beauty of winter, the […]

Behold my girlfriend in all her beauty

I realised it’s a big move but I feel like my girlfriend is the one for me and that we’ll be happy together eventually. This week I’m going to take her out to a fancy dinner and subtly put the idea forward of us getting engaged to see how she reacts. If it were up […]

Finding the one to marry

I’m not ashamed to admit that I have loved Aralia ever since I met her that fateful winter day. She is, by far, the cutest, kindest and most beautiful person that I have ever met. She was a art student when we met all those years ago and now we are about to get married. […]

Hair removal went so well

As a rule, I avoid any body hair removal like the plague. I hate having my legs waxed and you can forget about the bikini zone. I’ve looking into alternatives for some time now and have decided to get laser hair removal, Melbourne is getting warmer and I’ll need to start wearing shorts. I’m fearfully […]